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Stricter regulations adopted for driving schools and those training personnel in road transport

14:13 | 29.03.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, March 29 /MOLDPRES/- For the first time, the activity of driving schools and institutions that train personnel in the road transport will be regulated. The purpose of the new provisions is to eliminate corruption from the driver training system and to ensure the international recognition of driving licenses issued in our country, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The Government approved, at the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Research, the Regulation on organization and operation of professional training units for vehicle drivers and the Regulation on organization and operation of professional training units for road transport personnel.

To prevent fraudulent registration for exams, this will be done by the Public Services Agency, through the Information System Register of training units for motor vehicle drivers and trainees. At the same time, for the first time, official fees will be introduced for training services, to be set by the governing boards of the driving schools, based on an expenditure estimate.

The regulations also provide for new rules for driving instructors and road transport staff. They will be required to hold a certificate of professional competence, issued by accredited training centers in the field.

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