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Over 130 companies participate in MOLDCONSTRUCT, MOLDENERGY exhibitions in Moldova

20:06 | 29.03.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 March /MOLDPRES/ - The international specialized exhibitions MOLDCONSTRUCT, at the 25th edition, and MOLDENERGY, at the 24th edition, were inaugurated at the Moldexpo International Exhibitions Centre today.  The events will be held till 1 April and bring together over 130 companies.  

The Moldexpo director general, Carolina Chiper, said the exhibitions were organized after a three-year break and brought together producers, importers and distributors of Moldova and from such countries as Italy, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey.  

The participants exhibited their bids in two pavilions and on exterior areas of Moldexpo. Construction and finishing equipment, instruments, materials, heating, ventilation and water supply systems can be found at the exhibitions. At the same time, their use is displayed, with the enforcement of the newest technologies. Visitors will also be able to discover the most recent tendencies in the energy sector from Moldova, such as the saving and use of alternative energy sources, enforcement of technologies for saving energy, both by enterprises and households.   

The deputy director of the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA), Rodica Crudu, said the participants in the exhibitions can benefit from 100-per cent compensations from the participation tax, within the limit of 3,000 lei and subsidies worth 50 per cent of the cost of the exhibition space, but not more than 5,000 lei.    

The exhibitions are accompanied by an additional programme, useful for developing businesses. It includes specialty seminars held by the participating companies and professional associations.

The MOLDCONSTRUCT and MOLDENERGY exhibitions are organized by Moldexpo, with the official support of the Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry, Energy Ministry, Agency for Energy Efficiency, with the subsidization support on behalf of ODA and with the support of two general partners.   












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