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Moldovan PM, representatives of Romanian Investors' Association discuss investment climate in Moldova

18:35 | 29.03.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 March /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today discussed the investment climate in Moldova with representatives of the Association of Investors from Romania (AIR)  and Ambassador of Romania to Moldova Cristian-Leon Turcanu. The main subjects were focused on the creation of conditions for attracting investors, foundation of a joint guarantee fund and relocation of successful businesses from Romania in Moldova, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.       

The PM enumerated the actions due to be undertaken soon, in order to facilitate the access of foreign business people on Moldova’s market, as well as the need to boost the commercial and economic relations between the two states.   

„I appreciate the interest of the business people of Romania to invest in Moldova. We have many opportunities which must be turned to account, including we make available development platforms, which provide all conditions necessary, such as the Free Economic Zones and IT Parks. Moreover, we ruled to extend the range of services which will be part of the IT parks; we try to maximally reduce the bureaucratic procedures and we make a significant leap in the process of the digitalization of processes,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.   

The AIR executive president, Dan Nutiu, said that, besides the companies existing in Moldova, other success societies of Romania had announced their willingness to invest and create new jobs.

„We have ambitious plans of developing businesses and increasing the number of Romanian investors who choose Moldova as destination. We are set, for instance, to create a joint guarantee fund, to develop the regional economy, create an exchange of farming products and to provide programmes on probation for the local students,’’ Dan Nutiu added.  

The Association of Investors from Romania in Moldova comprises 31 members and holds 54 per cent of all Romanian investments made in Moldova.  

Photo: Government







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