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Moldovan electoral body accredits 10 international observers for regional elections in Gagauzia autonomy

17:38 | 19.04.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 April /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today accredited 10 international observers for the monitoring of the elections of the bashkan (governor) of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia and the partial elections to the People’s Assembly (local parliament) of the autonomy, due on 30 April 2023.

According to CEC, three international observers were accredited on behalf of the Embassy of France, three international observers – on behalf of the Embassy of Poland, two international observers - on behalf of the Embassy of Lithuania and two international observers - on behalf of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Washington, Chisinau branch.   

CEC has earlier accredited another 24 international observers for monitoring the ballot. The deadline for submitting applications for accreditation as observer is of seven days till the day of elections, i.e. 22 April.

Nicolai Dudoglo, Grigori Uzun, Mihail Formuzal, Victor Petrov, Dmitri Croitor, Serghei Cernev, Evghenia Guţul and Serghei Cimpoieş run for the office of bashkan of UTA Gagauzia.  

The governor (bashkan) is the supreme official of the Autonomous Territorial Unit Gagauz-Yeri. All public administration authorities of the autonomy are subordinated to the bashkan. The governor’s elections are held once in four years.   



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