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EU's foreign affairs ministers agree on implementation of new civilian mission in Moldova

19:27 | 22.05.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - The foreign affairs ministers from the European Union today agreed on the implementation of a new civilian mission in Moldova, in order to consolidate the resilience of the country’s security system as regards the management of the crises and combating the hybrid threats, EFE reports, quoted by AGERPRES and MOLDPRES.     

The goal of this mission, officially set up on 24 April, at a request by the Moldovan authorities, is to contribute to the strengthening of the crises management structures and help Moldova improve its resilience to the hybrid threats, including the energy security, so that the country can counteract the manipulation of foreign information and interferences, reads a press release by the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council.

To this end, the mission will provide consultancy at the strategic level and will identify the needs of strengthening the capacities.

The head of this mission will be Romanian Cosmin Dinescu, who will lead the operations locally, while the managing director of the European External Action Service for planning and civilian operations, Stefano Tomat, will be commander.    

„The attempts of Moldova’s destabilization have multiplied significantly since the beginning of Russia’s aggression war against Ukraine and represent a direct threat to the stability and security of EU’s external borders,’’ the Foreign Affairs Council stressed.    

In last January, the Moldovan government asked for the holding of a mission within the Common Security and Defence Policy in Moldova.

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