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Sculeni customs checkpoint at border with Romania to cease working for three hours on 13 June

15:01 | 09.06.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 9 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Customs Service today informed that works of tracing 10-Kv cables would be carried out at the Sculeni customs checkpoint on 13 June 2023, during 7:00-10:00. The checkpoint’s activity will be ceased on this period.  

According to the quoted source, the works are carried out in the context of the implementation of the project on rehabilitation and modernization of the Sculeni Customs Checkpoint. The actions are necessary, in order to ensure the connection of electricity networks to the newly set generator, which will allow the subsequent connection to the exterior power network.  

The Customs Service recommends that passengers opt for other border crossing points placed at the Moldovan-Romanian border: Cahul, Leuseni, Giurgiulesti, Leova.

Photo: Customs Service



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