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METEO: Yellow Code of atmospheric instability all over Moldova

11:34 | 30.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 August /MOLDPRES/ - The State Hydrometeorological Service  (SHS) has informed about a Yellow Code of atmospheric instability all over Moldova.  

The warning is valid till today at 22:00.

According to meteorologists, short thunderstorm rains are expected, heavy ones (15-20 litres/square metre) in the northern part of the country, with hail and storm up to 15-20 metres/second.  

Also, the Yellow Code of fire danger is valid all over the country till 16 September.  

In case of Yellow Code, the weather conditions are potentially dangerous; the meteorological phenomena forecast are usual for Moldova’s territory; yet, they may temporarily become dangerous for certain social and economic activities.

Photo: SHS



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