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ANRE approved lease contract for natural gas transmission networks, signed between Moldovatransgaz and Vestmoldtransgaz

12:16 | 13.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 13 Sep. /MOLDPRES/ - The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) has approved the lease contract to Vestmoldtransgaz, Transgaz Romania subsidiary, of the natural gas transport networks, managed until now by Moldovatransgaz, Moldovagaz subsidiary.

Vestmoldtransgaz obtains from September 19 not only the possibility of managing the transport networks throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova, but also the operator status with subsequent certification at the European level according to the requirements of the Energy Package III.

In the next period, Vestmoldtransgaz would submit to ANRE an application for certification according to the independent system operator model, a process that will later be approved by the Secretariat of the Energy Community.

Last week, Vestmoldtransgaz signed the lease contract for the natural gas transmission network with its owner, Moldovatransgaz. To enter into force, the contract had to be approved by ANRE.

Photo: Ministry of Energy


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