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PM says Moldova's goal to modernize National Army at NATO's standards

18:05 | 14.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The support for Moldova’s European integration way, modernization of the defence sector, the regional security situation and the boosting of the programmes on partnership with the NATO have been the principal subjects of a meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Deputy Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Mircea Geoana, on a visit to Chisinau on 13-15 September, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.      

In discussions, the Moldovan PM reiterated that one of the government’s priorities was the modernization of the National Army and the strengthening of the country’s defence and resilience capacities. In this respect, Prime Minister Dorin Recean expressed Moldova’s commitment to foster the interoperability programmes with NATO and the organization’s member countries.  

„Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine has changed the perception of security in Europe and all over the world. Our goal is to have an army at the NATO’s standards; therefore, we are resolute to strengthen the strategic partnership we have, both in the field of modernizing the security sector and in the one of strategic communication and combating the misinformation,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.       

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana reconfirmed the firm support for Moldova’s efforts of modernizing the army, as well as of implementing the reforms on the way of accession to the European Union.  

„Moldova belongs to the European democracies and the only way due to bring prosperity to the Moldovan citizens is for you to be member of the family of European countries. Neutrality does not mean that you should not have an advanced army. We work together with our partners from Moldova, for you to have army, national security structures compatible with us, advanced and motivated,’’ the NATO official said.    

Following the meeting at the government building, the officials gave a joint news conference, which can be watched on the cabinet’s Facebook page.   

Photo: Government








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