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Moldovan president discusses with farmers from Moldova

19:29 | 14.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has come up with a message to dozens of farmers of Moldova, from all regions of the country, big tax payers to the state budget and employers for tens and hundreds of people from the country’s communities. Maia Sandu thanked the farmers for their dedication, for the fact that they provide jobs at home and, at the same time, promote Moldovan products in the world, the presidential press service has reported.    

„You make the land yield fruits, you provide jobs; you have a correct relation with the state Republic of Moldova. I thank you for these things. We want to consolidate our cooperation, in the interest and benefit of all citizens of Moldova. So that we can eat at home sound Moldovan products and promote them abroad,’’ the Moldovan president said in her addressing.    

The head of state referred to the problems from the agricultural sector and the need to work together, in order to find and implement modern solutions. ‘’There are many problems in the agriculture. We know this and the government makes efforts to change the situation for the better. The cabinet gives priority to the development of the railway and port infrastructure, to connect us to the European market and enhance the transport capacities. We managed to open the European market for our producers and we work to conquer new markets,’’ Maia Sandu said.  

„We want the Moldovan farmers to be profitable, to become an emblem, so to say, of a Moldova known all over the world for the quality and competitiveness of its products. We need the contribution and effort of each farmer, in order to turn the agricultural sector into a competitive, developed and profitable branch of Moldova’s economy,’’ the Moldovan president noted.    

The head of state stressed that it was crucial to change completely the way agriculture is done in Moldova, especially in the context of the climate changes. ‘’The state will be with the farmers, but we can no longer support the lack of efficiency. The agricultural subsidies do not represent a programme of social protection; they cannot cover the mistakes of planning, the debts or purchases which have no connection to the development of the agricultural sector. The subsidies must be about an efficient and advanced agriculture. This is a conscious effort which we should make together – both the state and the farmers. Either we continue fighting with the weather, knowing that we will lose this struggle, or we will find modern and efficient ways to adapt to the climate changes,’’ the Moldovan president said.       

At the same time, Maia Sandu came up with a call to the farmers to back and promote the project on Moldova’s accession to EU, which will provide benefits including to the agricultural sector. ‘’I come up with a call to you – if you want all these benefits to become a reality for the Moldovan agriculture – stable market, big sales, companies with more employees, modern technology and equipment, access to research from Europe, high profitability and productivity – it is necessary that you give a helping hand to consolidate the people’s support for the project of Moldova’s European integration. Talk to people from your communities, with your employees – explain them that the European way is a chance of well-being for everybody,’’ the head of state said.         

Photo: Presidency








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