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Intense traffic at entries, exits from Moldova recorded at Leuseni, Sculeni customs checkpoints

21:25 | 05.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - Intense traffic is recorded at the Leuseni Border Crossing Point (PTF) in the direction of entrance into Moldova. In these circumstances, the authorities enforced a string of measures to ease the flow of passengers.    

According to the Border Police, the number of employees in the first line of control was increased, more control lanes were opened and the number of special equipment was increased.

At the same time, enhanced values of traffic of passengers in the direction of exit from Moldova, entrance into Romania, is registered at PTF Sculeni. ‘’The employees work at high capacity, in order to ease the cross-border movement,’’ the Border Police noted.    

Presently, PTF Sculeni is under reconstruction, with seven lanes both for the entrance and exit from Moldova being functional. Also, works of asphalting control lanes are carried out on the Romanian side.   

In the context, on the page of the Customs Service, the citizens can access the section, Online traffic at border customs checkpoints, and can plan their optimal route, as they have possibility to see, in real time, the number of transport means at the border crossing points.   



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