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Ion Ceban: I will be everyone's mayor

13:26 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 6 /MOLDPRES/- Thank you to all Chisinau residents who voted, I assure you that I will be everyone's mayor. National Alternative Movement Party (PMAN) candidate for Chisinau mayor Ion Ceban made the statement today. He has got over 50.6% of the votes and remains in charge of Chisinau for the next four years.

During a press conference, Ion Ceban thanked the citizens who participated in the elections and voted for PMAN and his candidacy. At the same time, he thanked his family and team for their involvement.

"We will take into account the remarks, proposals and criticisms of the opponents. This victory is a great responsibility. The priorities for next year have already been set. The biggest challenge for us is to be better than in the first term. Among our priorities are: development of the road infrastructure, arrangement of the courtyards of the residential blocks, improvement of the educational infrastructure. Thank you for your trust," said Ion Ceban.

He noted that his team would have documented several attempts to rig the elections. 

According to the preliminary results, PMAN candidate Ion Ceban has got over 50.6 percent of the votes and remains in charge of the capital for the next four years. 28.2 percent of Chisinau residents voted for PAS candidate Lilian Carp. PSRM candidate Adrian Albu picked up 4.5% of the votes, and PPDA candidate Victor Chironda - 3.8 percent.

On Sunday, 266,978 people went to the polls in Chisinau (40.9%).


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