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National Programme on extension, rehabilitation of forests to start in Moldova on 11 November; 35 million trees available for planting

16:30 | 06.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 6 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Environment Ministry and the Moldsilva Forestry Agency, under the aegis of Moldova’s president, announces, beginning with 11 November 2023, the starting of the National Programme on Afforestation, which provides for the rehabilitation and creation of new woods on an area of 145,000 hectares during ten years (2023-2032).    

This year, the planting campaign is carried out during November-December. ‘’In the context, grounds with an overall area of 4,000 hectares available for woods were tilled and the inventorying was organized in nurseries of forestry enterprises, which estimated a quantity of about 35 million trees available for planting,’’ the environment authority said.  

Thus, the Environment Ministry launches a call to all the country to participate in the works of planting, as the success of such far-reaching measures depends on the consolidation of the efforts of the entire society.   

In the next ten years, the afforested areas will be extended by about 150,000 hectares, both on new grounds, and on strongly degraded forest grounds, which are owned by the state or, for the first time ever, private property grounds. These provisions are contained in the national programme on the extension and rehabilitation of woods 2023-2032, proposed and initiated by President Maia Sandu.    

”This is a programme which will produce a lot of benefits for the agricultural sector, where humidity is important and the look of the rural areas from the country will change as well,’’ the government of Moldova said.



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