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Moldovan Central Electoral Commission: 623 mayors elected in first round of local elections

16:04 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 6 November /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 623 mayors have been elected in the first round of the general local elections. At the same time, in 265 settlements, a runoff election will be held in two weeks, with the first two candidates who picked up the largest number of the votes in the first round of the ballot.  

At a news conference, the president of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) Angelica Caraman, said that all official reports had been processed. ‘’The candidates for the office of mayor won the ballot, if they had got more than a half of the votes of the people who participated in the polls. At the same time, a voter turnout lower than 25 per cent was recorded in eight settlements; therefore, the organization of repeated voting will be instructed in these settlements in a two-week period. Also, partial elections will be organized in three settlements,’’ Angelica Caraman noted.    

Also, the CEC leadership emphasized that there had been incidents of cyber security against the CEC’s information system which were remedied.  

On the day of the polls, the Call Centre worked, which registered 1,083 entry calls and 500 exit calls.

Following the elections, the ballot papers and the electoral lists are to be kept at the territorial police inspectorate during three months; afterwards, they will be destroyed.  

General local elections were held in Moldova on 5 November. As many as 1,147,610 electors participated in the voting; the most active people had ages between 56 and 65 years.  

The runoff election is to be held on 19 November 2023.




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