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European Commission to announce whether it recommends starting accession negotiations of Moldova to EU

10:55 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- European Commission will announce today whether it recommends starting the accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.

According to MEP Siegfried Muresan, if the commission approves it, the European Council will have to take a final decision in this regard at a meeting on December 14-15.

"We, the European Parliament, are united to support the start of accession negotiations. It is, first of all, in Europe's security interest to accelerate Moldova's European integration. In addition, it is a very good moment in the relationship between the EU and the Republic of Moldova that we must not miss", wrote Mureșan.

He said that the current pro-European leadership of our country "achieved, in the last two years, more progress in the reforms than all previous governments".

"At the same time, the European Union and the member states are more determined than ever to support the Republic of Moldova: in the last two years, we have mobilized over 1.2 billion euros as European financial assistance for Moldova; at the same time, we offered the Republic of Moldova access to several European programs and agencies that bring concrete and immediate benefits to the country. That is why I believe that the start of accession negotiations must be the natural decision now, at the end of the year. At the same time, a possible positive decision of the European Council in December must be followed as quickly as possible by the first EU-Moldova intergovernmental negotiation conference", added the MEP.

It is important that this first conference takes place at the beginning of next year, before the European Parliament elections, as in the second part of the year, the European Union will be busy with institutional reconfiguration as a result of the European Parliament elections.

Every year, the community executive adopts a series of documents that set out the way forward and the evaluation of the reforms carried out in the candidate and potential candidate countries for accession. Apart from Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, Wednesday's package includes for the first time the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, two new candidates for EU accession, and Georgia, a potential candidate country.


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