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e-Monitoring system - new digital solution to public authorities

12:58 | 08.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- Drafting, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of public policy documents will be digitized and become more efficient. Government approved e-Monitoring system today.

According to the government's communication and protocol department, the e-Monitoring system will serve as a common digital platform for public authorities in the country, which will ensure the increase in the speed of data exchange and processing. The new tool will allow real-time monitoring the implementation of association commitments with the European Union, as well as national commitments, meant to support carrying out the European integration agenda.

Therefore, the transition from traditional ways of manual document processing to extensive digitization will be ensured. Simplifying processes and reducing bureaucracy will contribute to more efficient implementation of public policies and as a result to improving citizens' quality of life.


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