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Three road crossing points of Polish-Ukrainian border blocked, ANTA says

13:49 | 08.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- The National Road Transport Agency (ANTA) has announced the blocking of the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing points Korczowa, Dorohusk and Hrebenne, as part of a protest action organized by Polish transport operators until January 3.

According to the information of the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Poland, the organizers of the protest claim that by exception, the passage of cars, buses, military and emergency vehicles, as well as those transporting fuel, live animals, humanitarian aid, military equipment, dangerous or perishable goods will be allowed. The protest is expected to last until January 3.

In this context, ANTA warns the transport operators to approach the organization of the trips in the direction of Poland with maximum responsibility, in order to avoid unforeseen situations.


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