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Volume of electric energy from renewable resources growing in Moldova

17:03 | 08.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ -The volume of electric energy  from renewable sources purchased by the Energocom company in the first ten months of this year exceeded the overall volume of green energy produced last year by stations and parks which have a  tariff regulated by the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) and with which Energocom has contractual relations.     

According to Energocom, till 1 November, this energy amounts to 72,000 MWh, against 60,000 MWh, in 2022. The institution estimates that, by the end of this year, the total volume will be of about 80,000 MWh or the equivalent of the averages of the last four-five years of the volume of energy produced by the heating power station from Balti (CET Nord). ‘’Most installations are photovoltaic; as a proof, during July-September, the volumes of green energy generated doubled against the same period of the year before,’’ the quotes source said.     

In its capacity of central provider, Energocom is obliged to sign contracts on procurement with all producers of renewable energy which have status of eligible producer and which have fixed tariff established by ANRE. Instead, the producers which do not opt and do not get mechanism of support on behalf of the state are free to choose whom they sell the electric energy generated. Presently, Energocom has signed 145 contracts on procurement of electric energy from renewable sources, of which about 110 ones are active.      

Since the beginning of this year till present, Energocom has concluded 49 new contracts, against 36 contracts signed in 2022, five contracts in 2021 and nine – in 2020. The total power installed contracted this year is of 39 MW, as the contracts from the last year had a power of 23.5 MW.    


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