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Moldova gets green light on behalf of European Commission

15:37 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - European MP Siegfried Muresan has described the European Commission’s decision on approving the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union ‘’as a historical one.’’  

The European lawmaker wrote on this page that the last step in this process was the final decision of the European Council from next December. ‘’Afterwards, we will start working,’’ Muresan stressed.   

According to Muresan, the European Council will have to take a final decision to this end at the meeting due on 14-15 December.

“We, the European Parliament, are united in backing the starting of the negotiations on accession. The speeding up of Moldova’s European integration is, first of all, in the interest of security of Europe. Besides, this is a very good moment in the EU-Moldova relation, which we should not miss,’’ Muresan wrote.   

He specified that the present pro-European leadership of Moldova ‘’managed, in the last two years, to make more progress in the reforms sector than all previous governments had managed this together.’’   

„At the same time, the European Union and the member states are more resolute than ever to support Moldova: we mobilized, in the last two years, over 1.2 billion euros in form of European financial assistance for Moldova’; at the same time, we provided Moldova with access to more programmes and European agencies, which bring concrete and immediate benefits. Therefore, I believe that the starting of the negotiations on accession must be a natural decision now, at the end of the year. At the same time, an eventual positive decision by the European Council in next December must be as quickly as possibly followed by the first EU- Moldova intergovernmental conference on negotiation,’’ the European PM said.        

According to Siegfried Muresan, it is important that this first conference takes place in the beginning of the next year, before the Euro-parliamentary elections, given that, in the second half of the year, the European Union will be busy with the institutional reconfiguring following the Euro-parliamentary elections.   

„An intergovernmental conference in early next year will be able to take important decisions, so that the negotiations make progress at the technical level in the second half of 2024,’’ Muresan added.

The European Commission today recommended the starting of the negotiations on accession to EU with Moldova, Ukraine and Bosnia & Herzegovina. In the case of Moldova, the conditions indicated by the Commission regard the combating of corruption and improvement of the financial regulations.  



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