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Observers accredited for monitoring general local elections in Moldova can continue work in runoff election too

15:57 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 8 November /MOLDPRES/ - The observers accredited for the 5 November general local elections can continue their work in the runoff election as well, which will take place on 19 November 2023.     

At the same time, new applications can be submitted to the Central Electoral Commission or the electoral councils of constituency, in order to ask for observers’ accreditation or confirming the journalists for the runoff election of the general local polls.  

Thus, the entities interested can submit applications for the accreditation of observers till 11 November inclusively, and for confirming journalists – till 13 November inclusively.  

More than 1,500 national and international observers monitored the general local elections held on 5 November this year.



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