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Romanian market becomes important destination for Moldovan fruits

14:14 | 24.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 24 /MOLDPRES/- Fruit Producers and Exporters Association Moldova Fruct, with the support of the USAID Moldova Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity participated yesterday as a partner of the RO Fruits & Vegetables Show 2023 forum in an event of professionals in fruit and vegetable industry in Romania.

The executive director of the association, Iurie Fală, presented the perspective of the fresh fruit sector of Moldova, the dynamics of exports to Romania, the potential and opportunities for collaboration with retailers and distributors in Romania.

"The Romanian market is considered by Moldovan producers as the domestic market. Fruit exports to this destination are constantly increasing, and one of the objectives of Moldova Fruct, according to the marketing strategy, is to achieve a presence of 70% of the amount of apples imported on the Romanian market. Collaborating with Romanian networks, we are expanding in Europe. At the same time, the communication with the partners in Romania allows us to improve the quality standards, the assortment, the packaging", Iurie Fală said.

Attending the event were 14 fruit producers and exporters, members of Moldova Fruct.

Romania's market is an important destination for Moldovan fruits. In the first ten months of 2023, over 16 thousand tons of plums were exported to the neighboring country, up by 34% than in 2022. At the same time, annually, Moldova exports around 13 thousand tons of grapes and starting from 2022, more than 10 thousand tons of apples.



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