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Moldovan head of state visits exhibition Entrepreneur Expo

19:55 | 24.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 November /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today went to the Entrepreneur Expo exhibition, organized by the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA) and the Moldexpo International Exhibitions Centre, the presidential press service has reported.   

„I was happy to meet today more courageous entrepreneurs at the second edition of the Entrepreneur Expo exhibition. More than 100 native companies exhibited their products and services, among which there are more businesses of family or initiated by women,’’ Maia Sandu said.  

The head of state stressed that ODA had managed already to provide financial support for 3,000 small- and medium-sized companies, which used the funds for innovation, increase and creation of new jobs.

„I wish much success to all those start businesses, make products with which we are proud, create jobs in our settlements and contribute to Moldova’s development,’’ President Maia Sandu added.   







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