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Meeting of Parliamentary Assembly of Parliamentary Dimension of Central European Initiative held in Moldovan capital

14:36 | 27.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 27 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament today hosts the Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative (CEI). Representatives of CEI member countries participate in the event, organized with physical presence and online.    

The discussions tackled at the Meeting were focused on the support of the European integration and the promotion of CEI’s sustainable development.   

„The goals which we have within CEI are aimed at cooperation in peace, joining of all efforts and the motto is the consistency and creativeness. We did our utmost to promote this and to cooperate in the context of the European integration of all CEI member countries which have this goal,’’ Deputy Parliament Speaker Mihail Popsoi said.    

„We should enhance our ambitions, in order to keep pace with the historical changes which we witness. I assure you that the CEI Secretariat is open to provide the assistance necessary,’’ CEI Secretary General Roberto Antonione said.  

The Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative is held in Chisinau, in the context that, this year, Moldova’s parliament holds the CEI Chairmanship. In the end, a resolution will be adopted.   

Moldova has been member of the Central European Initiative since 1996.  



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