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Runoff election for mayor position in Aluatu village to be held on 3 December

11:34 | 29.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 29 /MOLDPRES/- Runoff election for mayor position in Aluatu village, Taraclia district will be held on 3 December.

According to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), candidates of the Party of Change and the Party of Socialists of Moldova have access to the second round. In the ballot they will be listed in descending order of the number of votes accumulated in the first round. Only one polling station will be opened in the locality, and 770 voters are expected at the polls. 768 ballots will be printed for them - 500 in Romanian and 268 in Russian. 

Thus, this Friday, 1 December is the last day of electoral campaigning and on the same day all electoral materials will be removed. At the same time, until 2:00 p.m. the day before voting, voters who cannot go to the polling station can request a mobile ballot box at home. They can also request a mobile ballot box on voting day, until 2:00 p.m., only upon presentation of a medical certificate.

Following the organization of the general local elections on November 5, it was found that in eight localities in the country, a participation lower than a fourth of the number of people registered in the electoral lists was registered, including in the village of Aluatu, Taraclia district. After the repeated voting on November 19, in this locality none of the three candidates for the position of mayor accumulated more than half of the number of votes validly cast, which led to the organization of the runoff election.


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