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Roadmen warn drivers to drive carefully in icy conditions on national roads

12:11 | 30.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 30 /MOLDPRES/- The State Roads Administration (ASD) warned today the traffic participants to drive carefully and to adapt the speed to the icy conditions on the national public routes.

"On this last day of autumn, according to the weather forecast, low temperatures between -5 and -10°C were recorded during the night, which led to the icy roads. The roadmen are on duty spreading anti-skid material. It is important to ensure that the vehicle is prepared for winter conditions and that you have the necessary equipment if necessary", the ASD said.

The State Hydrometeorological Service announces that the weather will warm up for the next 24 hours, but in the north of the country the thermometers will show temperatures below zero degrees. In the south,  +10 degrees are expected.


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