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Moldovan parliament speaker discusses with European MPs of EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee

14:17 | 30.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has discussed with the European Parliament’s delegation within the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, led by European lawmaker Siegfried Muresan, the parliament’s communication and public relations department reported.    

„I am happy to see again Moldova’s friends at the parliament. The visit by the delegation, on the eve of Romania’s Day and the next December decision by the European Council on the initiation of the negotiations on accession, is an extra proof of the good relations we have and represents a strong message of support on our European integration way,’’ the parliament speaker said.    

The officials referred to the reforms’ agenda, as well as the next steps in the accession process. Igor Grosu noted that the reforms were carried out, first of all, in order to strengthen the state’s institutions and bring as much well-being as possible in the lives of all as citizens.

At the same time, the speaker thanked the European Parliament members for the fact that they were the best advocates at European forums, as well as for the recent declaration by the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, thereby asking the European Council to adopt the final decision on the starting of the negotiations on accession. ‘’The Republic of Moldova in the European Union is our chance to transform the country and we will succeed by the side of reliable friends,’’ Igor Grosu added.     



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