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European MP says Moldova deserves starting negotiations on accession to EU

16:37 | 30.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova deserves starting the negotiations on accession to EU, after it has made good progress in all sectors. The co-president of the Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee, Siegfried Muresan, today made statements to this effect at a joint news conference with Deputy Parliament Speaker Mihail Popsoi.   

„I came to Chisinau with a delegation made up of five members of the European Parliament and the principal message which we brought is that Moldova deserves starting the negotiations on accession to EU. The European Parliament supports the starting of the negotiations on accession to EU; it confirmed this in last October, when a resolution on this subject was adopted by majority vote. At that time, we saw that all political forces of the European Parliament backed our approach to start the talks with the European Commission and the final decision will be taken by the European Council. We believe that Moldova must start the negotiations, as it meets all criteria necessary for this. Those nine recommendations on the reforms proposed by the European Commission last year have been implemented to such an extent, that we can switch to the next stage,’’ the European lawmaker said.       

He noted that decision-makers had managed to increase the funds for the eastern neighbourhood of the European Union for 2024, with 50 million euros allocated for Moldova.

Deputy Speaker Mihail Popsoi said that Moldova had done its utmost to justify the expectations of the Moldovan citizens who want to enjoy peace and stability, democracy, the comfort of life provided by the European Union. He thanked the European MPs for the support provided in the European integration process, noting that, at this point, Moldova enjoyed the support of all big parties from the European Parliament.  

„We will make efforts, in continuation, in order to fulfill the commitments taken. Drafts related to the justice reform are just on the agenda of the today’s parliament meeting,’’ Popsoi stressed.  

The Moldovan parliament on 29 November hosted the 14th Meeting of the Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee (CPA Moldova-EU). The event brought together Moldovan lawmakers, European MPs and representatives of the government, who discussed the progress made by Moldova in the context of the implementation of those nine recommendations contained in the European Commission’s notification.





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