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Moldovan speaker announces priorities of parliament's spring session

12:57 | 02.02.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Feb. 2 /MOLDPRES/- On Thursday, Speaker Igor Grosu announced priorities of parliament's spring session at the first plenary meeting of this session, the parliament's communication and public relations department has reported.

In his speech, he said that starting this month, assessment of adjusting our legislation to European legislation will be launched.

"We all want to see in the Republic of Moldova a rule of law with strong institutions to protect citizens, a functional market economy, so that everyone has opportunities at home and, of course, we can provide more security. I would like the year 2024 to be a year of our successes in joining the European Union. I would like us to set a speed together to fulfill the complex legislative program that we have drawn up for 2024", he said.

Priority for the legislature in the spring session remains justice. A lot of amendments to the Criminal Code are to be made to no longer admit the delay of files; to punish drunk drivers; prosecute some tax evasion and money laundering offences; toughen penalties for false bomb alerts or acts of terrorism, cybercrimes and those involving the use of electronic or virtual currencies. "We are at the stage of cleaning the judicial system of people with a lack of integrity or, in other words, corrupt people. We need honest and integrity people to finally have a judiciary that fights thieves and works in the interest of the citizen and the state," he said.

Other priorities concern legislative activities to optimize the procedure on the declaration of assets and interests, the efficient and transparent spending of public money, reducing bureaucracy in the business environment, increasing foreign investments, providing well-paid jobs, the country's modernization. In the spring session, the Parliament plans to approve some amendments to the Education Code to offer the right to early education institutions to switch to financial self-management; to stimulate the responsible behavior of students; to support the national program for the development of the Model Schools network. In the spring session, the Forestry Code is to be adopted, to better implement the Forestry Program of the Republic of Moldova, as well as amendments to the Subsoil Code, to ensure a good management of mineral resources. In the energy field, important projects will be promoted to ensure the independence of the sector and to apply more ecological solutions to save energy resources.

Another priority is to improve things in the agricultural sector, the final goal being that Moldovan products are appreciated both at home and on foreign markets. "We will approve important projects that will mobilize financial resources to build roads, bridges, important infrastructure projects. We are still working on our security agenda. Our objective is very clear: to defend Moldova, to protect all the people living in Moldova", said Grosu.

The speaker urged the deputies to work together with employees and citizens for the European path of the country, to change the lives of people in villages and cities for the better. "Only European integration will help us keep our peace and freedom. It will help us transform all of Moldova, village by village, city by city, into a European country, where people live in welfare and safety", he said.

In the first plenary session of the Parliament in the spring session, 22 draft normative acts were examined. 16 projects were adopted by the Parliament, and six documents were considered in the first reading.


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