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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says leadership has intense, efficient communication with Romania

20:43 | 24.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 May /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister has had a meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister of Romania Luminita Odobescu. The officials tackled subjects concerning the bilateral relation, Moldova’s European agenda, as well as the plans of cooperation for the next period, the Foreign Affairs Ministry’s (MAE) press service has reported.      

We have an intense and efficient cooperation with Romania at all levels. Presently, as never before, our relations are closer and fuller of substance. Romania’s support is recognized and appreciated by all Moldova’s citizens – either we speak about the kindergartens constructed or renovated by Romania or about the bridges connecting our banks along the Prut river, the projects of energy interconnection, transport or assistance in the health, education, culture fields, etc.   

„I and my Romanian counterpart discussed also the steps undertaken by Moldova to get the status of member of the European Union as soon as possible. I reiterated the importance of the expertise provided by Romania in the accession process. Minister Odobescu assured me that Romania would continue supporting Moldova as a priority and solidly in the process of reforms, including through the turning to good account of the Agreement worth 100 million euros.  

We also exchanged opinions on the regional security situation and the support provided to Ukraine, in the context of the aggression war unleashed by Russia.

We agreed on maintaining the intensity of our diplomatic contacts through organization, in the near future, of a new round of political consultations between the Foreign Affairs Ministries. We coordinate the efforts on organizing in Chisinau of a trilateral meeting, Moldova-Romania-Ukraine, which will allow us jointly tackling the regional challenges and identifying common medium- and long-term solutions.   

We thank Romania for the warm reception and the reconfirmation of the firm support which we constantly receive on behalf of Romania,’’ Minister Popsoi said.  




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