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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says Moldova cannot hope for improvement of relations with Russia as long as barbarian war against Ukraine continues

14:20 | 27.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/ - As long as this barbarian war against Ukraine continues, we cannot hope for the improvement of the relations between Moldova and Russia. Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi today made statements to this effect during discussions with mass media.   

According to the official, while the country has the highest level of the cooperation relations with the western partners, the relations with Russia are at the lowest level in the last 30 years.

„This fact is explained as clearly as possible. This is the result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. This is the result of the killing of children, women and elderly people. There are constant attacks against cities of Ukraine. Also, Russia backed the separatism in the Transnistrian region during 30 years, fueled diverse groups from Moldova, which undermined the statehood and the rule of law state. At the same time, neither the Russian laundromat was made without the contribution of people from there,’’ Mihai Popsoi said.   

Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi, today unveiled the outcomes of his work during four months of his mandate. At the discussions with mass media representatives, the official referred also the up-to-date subjects.



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