18 Februarie, 2025 / 09:15
/ 17 Ianuarie, 2025

Măsuri de asigurare a securității energetice a țării și de susținere a populației din zona de securitate, aprobate de CSE

Guvernul Republicii Moldova

The enterprises from the food sector and the ones from the processing industry field will receive compensations worth up to 50 per cent from the increase in the tariff for electric energy, for a period of 3 months. The members of the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE) have approved a decision to this effect, in order to support the native producers and back their competitiveness.  

The eligible companies will be notified through the MCabinet/EVO governmental portal about the possibility to benefit from the compensation. Afterwards, as of 27 January, also on the governmental portal, at an indicated section, economic agents will be able to submit an application to ask for the compensation. The deadline for submitting the applications is of ten days after the date of issuance of the invoice for electric energy.    

Following the verification of the applications received and the data submitted by companies, the compensation will be transferred through the MPay governmental service of electronic payments. To compensate the difference of price for the supply of electric energy on the period January-March 2025, a sum of 60 million lei will be allocated from the government’s intervention fund.  

Also at the meeting, the CSE member ruled to activate the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Its activation will allow the asking for international assistance for the setting of a gas turbine with a power of 125 MW at the Termoelectrica stock company and 10 turbines with a capacity of 10 MW for being set at the Termoelectrica stock company and CET-Nord stock company. Another request will deal with the purchasing of 100 generators for medical, social and educational institutions from the Security Zone.  

Another CSE decision regards the delivery from the National Statistics Bureau to the Education and Research Ministry of 350 tablets meant for the education institutions of the Security Zone.  

At the same time, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) of the Interior Ministry (MAI) will ensure the delivery for temporary use, for free, of electric generators to the Bender-based Service for the issuance of identity acts of the Public Services Agency (ASP), state enterprise, Tighina Forestry Enterprise of the Moldsilva Forestry Agency and to the mayoralty of the Copanca village, Causeni district.    

At the same time, to ensure the continuity of the work of the public institutions and services from several settlements of the Security Zone, hit by the appearance of energy crisis situations, 1.3 million lei will be allocated from the government’s intervention fund for the local public authorities from Molovata Noua, Cosnita, Parata and Copanca.  

The material assets necessary for overcoming the present energy risks, including the generators, will be delivered also to the National Administration of Penitentiaries. Subsequently, they will be brought to the Penitentiary No 12 from Bender. The costs of the material assets released from the state reserves have an overall value of about 1.1 million lei.