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Superior Council of Magistracy accepted resignation of several judges

12:38 | 19.03.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 March /MOLDPRES/- The Superior Council of Magistracy / CSM / today approved the resignation of several judges, including a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice / CSJ /, who has previously examined the case Gemenii, for which the Republic of Moldova was sentenced to the ECHR.

Meeting after a break of several weeks, CSM members have accepted the resignation requests and requests on childcare leave submitted by several judges.

Thus, CSM members accepted the resignation of judges Vasile Stihi from Orhei Court and Aliona Danilov from Chisinau Court of Appeal, and Sveatoslav Moldovan from the CSJ. Resignation of another CSJ magistrate Nicolae Craiu was postponed to another meeting.

According to CSM members, the resignation submitted by Sveatoslav Moldovan is related to his health. The magistrate is one of the judges involved in the case Gemenii, to which Moldova was sentenced to the ECHR and forced to pay a damage of about 70 million lei.

Earlier, Prime Minister Ion Chicu has said that the government would pay 70 million lei from the fund that would be earmarked to the judiciary.


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