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SIS reminds any incitement to war may fall under Criminal Code

12:16 | 09.03.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, March 9 / MOLDPRES /- Intelligence and Security Service / SIS / issued a warning today regarding the proliferation of biased symbols that can provoke situations of conflict, due to ideological, political and national hatred.

SIS officers attest to irresponsible behavior of some citizens who, by displaying and spreading flags, graphic emblems, badges, uniforms, slogans and greetings, generate in society risks of undermining the peaceful coexistence of the multiethnic and multilingual people of Moldova.

Thus, SIS carried out actions for the purpose of prophylaxis in relation to some people, who proliferated in public graphic emblems and biased badges that can cause conflict situations.

SIS reminds that any incitement to war or incitement to enmity, differentiation or national, ethnic division is prohibited by law and may fall under the Criminal Code.

Photo: SIS




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