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Moldovan justice minister withdraws licence of notary

14:23 | 14.07.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 July /MOLDPRES/ - Justice Minister Sergiu Litvinenco today signed an order on the withdrawal of the licence of notary Olga Bondarciuc.  

According to the Justice Ministry, the order was signed following a decision by the disciplinary college of notaries, which imposed to Olga Bondarciuc the sanction of withdrawal of the licence.    

„After the licence is withdrawn, the notary’s work will cease and the self-administration bodies are to raise her stamp and archive,’’ Sergiu Litvinenco said.  

At the same time, the justice minister called on the representatives of the legal professions to strictly observe the provisions of the law and not to allow infringements in their work.   

In March this year, the disciplinary college of notaries was notified by the Notarial Chamber, which invoked more infringements which would have been committed by notary Olga Bondarciuc and would be liable to disciplinary responsibility.   

Photo: Justice Ministry


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