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Report for 2021 on financing of parties, electoral campaigns presented in Moldovan parliament

16:37 | 28.07.2022 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - The report for 2021 on the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns was unveiled in the parliament’s plenum today. The deputy head of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Pavel Postica, set forth the information in parliament.  

Under the document, last year, allocations worth 34.1 million lei (about 1.7 million euros) were approved and distributed for the financing of the political parties. According to the legislation, the subsidies on behalf of the state are provided to the formations depending on the results of the ballots.

At the same time, CEC followed the mechanism and transparency of the financing of the political parties and considered their financial reports. For the infringements found out, in 2021, sanctions were imposed to four parties, which were deprived from subsidies on behalf of the state for a period from six months to one year. Also, five political parties were obliged to return to the state budget the equivalent value of the donations collected contrary to the law. It is about the formations which collected donations from legal entities with debts to the state budget or who had concluded contracts on public procurements with the concerned entities in the last three years. Also, 30 formations received warnings.    

In the first half of 2022, 42 political parties presented financial reports and only 35 of them observed the legal term. The Central Electoral Commission reiterated the need to improve the legislation, in order to raise the awareness of the parties and introduce the legal liability, if they do not report their finances.     

Photo: Parliament



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