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Over 6,000 teachers, managers of educational institutions in Chisinau to be trained at forum

16:44 | 22.08.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 22 /MOLDPRES/- More than 6,000 teachers and managers of educational institutions are to be trained at the Chisinau Teachers' Forum 21st Century Skills, which was launched today in the capital.

The respective forum is organized by Chisinau City Hall on the eve of each school year. During the event, 50 workshops and three seminars will be held with the participation of international experts.

"The driving force of the 21st century is the intellectual capital of citizens. Political, social and economic progress in this millennium will depend on the intellectual potential of generations of young people. That's why it's important that the education system makes the necessary changes to be able to prepare students for the big world, and that the educational process is carried out at the highest level," deputy mayor Angela Cutasevici said.

The event aims to strengthen the quality of educational services and promote good practices regarding the improvement of the quality of non-formal education management. The municipal teachers' forum will take place between August 22-25.

Photo: Chisinau city hall


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