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Suppliers demanded increase in energy tariffs before latest events in Ukraine

13:39 | 12.10.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Oct. 12 /MOLDPRES/- The request to increase electricity tariffs came from suppliers earlier, until the missile attacks on Ukraine on October 10, when some of them hit the energy infrastructure and caused the stoppage of electricity exports to the European Union and the Republic of Moldova. Director of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) Violina Spac made the statement.

According to ANRE, the suppliers' initial request provided for higher rates than the approved ones. By the way, 0.376 lei/kWh was requested for end consumers, but the Agency decided that it should be 0.315 lei/kWh (Premier Energy) and 0.321 lei/kWh (Furnizaria Energiei Electrice Nord).

The Board of Directors of the National Agency for Energy Regulation examined and approved, in today's public meeting, the regulated prices for the electricity provided by the providers of the universal and last option service.

ANRE found the existence of some objective factors that lead to the need to adjust the costs that are included in determining the regulated electricity supply prices for the year 2022, among which the most important are: the increase in the electricity procurement price from Energocom as the central electricity supplier by about 34% (from 3.24 lei/kWh to 4.33 lei/kWh); the increase in the procurement prices of imported electricity; the devaluation of the national currency against the US dollar by about 6% compared to the value applied when determining prices from June 2022.


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