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Moldovan official journal roundup for today

10:46 | 21.10.2022 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 21 /MOLDPRES/- The promulgation decree and the Law on industrial emissions were published in the Official Journal of Moldova today.

The new law is part of the commitments set by the country within the Moldova - EU Association Agreement on the environment issue.

The document sees the establishment of a regulatory framework aimed at preventing and controlling pollution caused by industrial and economic activities, in order to reduce emissions into air, water and soil. In this context, the purpose, principles and scope of the provisions of the law, the powers of the authorities in the pollution prevention and control, as well as the obligations of operators and environmental specialists are defined.

The document also includes the procedure for issuing integrated environmental authorizations/environmental authorisation, the conditions and terms for issuing permissive acts. At the same time, the new law proposes the creation of an environmental control system by ensuring compliance with the requirements of the environmental authorization, which will be carried out by the Environmental Protection Inspectorate.



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