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Moldovan deputy premier pays working visit to Japca village

18:31 | 06.11.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 6 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian, accompanied by representatives of the Reintegration Policty Office paid a working visit to Japca village (Floresti district), located in the perimeter of the Security Zone.

According to the Reintegration Policy Office, at the culture house of the Japca village, the deputy prime minister talked with the representatives of the local public administration, economic agents, teaching staff and residents of the commune.

Among the topics discussed were the energy crisis and the solutions undertaken by the Government to overcome the existing problems, the need to develop and modernize the road infrastructure in the adjacent localities (G40, R19 – Japca – Șestaci – Șoldănești – G41), difficulties faced by peasant households, educational institutions - cultural and local people, projects implemented through the program of activities for the reintegration of the country, etc.

Serebrian visited the gymnasium and the kindergarten-nursery in Japca, and documented, on the spot, their activity. The kindergarten benefited from financial assistance through the program of activities for the reintegration of the country in order to carry out the construction and development works.

The official urged the local authorities to actively participate in the finalization of the development projects of the commune, being reiterated the availability of providing the necessary support from the Reintegration Policy Office.

Photo: Reintegration Office








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