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Moldova to boost cooperation with France in defence sector, to strengthen bilateral partnership

20:16 | 10.11.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 November /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry Nicu Popescu, long with Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii in Paris have had a meeting with Minister of Armed Forces of France Sébastien Lecornu. The officials referred to ways of boosting the bilateral cooperation in the defence sector, the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry’s (MAEIE) press service has reported.   

„I highly appreciated the assistance provided through the European Peace Facility for strengthening the medical capacities and the ones of the National Army’s sappers, as well as the support announced in six fields of interest: logistics and military defence, mobility, command and control, cyber defence, air recognition and tactical communications.     

The sides exchanged opinions on the current challenges of regional security, triggered by Russia’s unjust war against Ukraine and the hybrid threats triggered by it.   

We agreed to foster the dialogue between specialists of the two countries’ Defence Ministries, in order to continue the good discussions and consolidate the bilateral partnership,’’ Minister Nicu Popescu said.   

On 10-11 November, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry Nicu Popescu, along with Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii pay a working visit to Paris.    

Photo: MAEIE






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