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Moldova not to have deficit of electric energy on 30 November

19:40 | 29.11.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom stock company today evening informed that, for 30 November, besides the bilateral contracts, it had purchased electric energy of more than 8,800 MWh from the OPCOM exchange. Respectively, no deficit will be for 30 November.      

Also, starting from 1 December, SA Energocom will again buy electricity from the Romanian company Hidroelectrica - 100 MWh 24 hours on the period 1-11 December and 20 MWh 24 hours as of 12 December till 31 December. The purchasing price, under this contract, is of 450 Romanian lei per one MWh.    

Thus, starting from 1 December, the volume of electricity delivered from Romania based on the bilateral contracts will increase to 5,100 MWh on working days and 5,800 MWh in the week-end out of the daily amount of 10,000 MWh.  

Moldova’s energy sector is hit by the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine. The country had to cease the export of energy following the Russian bombardments, which destroyed a good deal of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure in early last October.  

At the same time, the Russian Gazprom giant unilaterally reduced the deliveries of gas to Moldova and the so-called Tiraspol authorities informed that the Kuchurgan power plant would no longer supply 70 per cent of the needed amount of electric energy to the right bank of Dniester.



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