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Moldovan president meets Japanese officials

13:07 | 02.12.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, Dec. 2 /MOLDPRES/- President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu met during her visit to Tokyo with members of the Japan Business Federation, Keidanren, an organization that brings together about 1,500 companies and 150 associations and unions of the Japanese economy.

According to the presidential press service, the head of state thanked Japanese business representatives for their interest in our country and expressed her appreciation for Japanese investments in the Republic of Moldova. Maia Sandu said that currently in Moldova there are 13 companies with Japanese capital, which have opened enterprises, created over 6,000 thousand jobs and thus contribute to the economic development of our country. At the same time, we still have many sectors that can be used by Japanese investors, such as IT, agriculture or renewable energy.

On 1-3 December, Maia Sandu pays a visit to Japan.

Photo: Presidency




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