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In 2022, ADR Centru used investments of 215 million lei for regional development projects

12:10 | 03.01.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 3 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- In 2022, the Regional Development Agency (ADR) Centru implemented regional infrastructure and assistance development projects amounting to about 215 million lei (10.75 million euros) from the sources of the National Regional and Local Development Fund, the Fund Road and financial assistance offered by development partners.

"In the Single Program Document 2022-2024, for the Central Development Region, 17 projects are included, with a total cost of about 899 million lei. Out of the 17 projects, work was initiated on 14 new projects last year and work continued on two projects initiated in previous years. The sum of 72.22 million lei from the National Regional and Local Development Fund (FNDRL) was used for these works, and 5.1 million lei was the contribution of the beneficiaries", indicates ADR Centru.

Despite all the social and economic constraints and factors that generated deviations from the activity plan, in 2022, ADR Centru had the largest number of development projects in implementation and the highest degree of use from the history of regional development institutions in our country.

"The overall analysis of the socio-economic evolution trends of the region demonstrates a slow but stable increase in the values of the main indicators for the following measures: improvement of water supply and sewerage services, increase in energy efficiency of buildings and public services, development of the tourism potential of the region and business support infrastructure", shows a report presented by the institution.

The Agency also said that in cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, it will continue the process of strengthening partnerships and attracting investments to achieve the institution's goal of reducing interregional disparities and improving living conditions for the residents of the center of the Republic of Moldova.

Photo: ADR Center


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