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Moldovan PM, Polish MPs consider solutions to overcome energy crisis

16:11 | 19.01.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 January /MOLDPRES/ - The security situation in the region, measures to overcome the energy crisis and Moldova’s European integration process have been the principal subjects considered at a meeting between Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita with a delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Radosław Fogiel, and of the European Union Affairs Committee from the Polish Sejm (parliament), led by Kacper Płażyński, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.       

The sides discussed the crises generated by Russia’s war against Ukraine, as Moldova and Poland are the states which received the largest number of Ukrainian refugees. In the context, PM Gavrilita thanked the Polish lawmakers for the support provided by Poland’s government at the Moldova Support Platform Conference, held in Berlin and Paris, as well as for the loan worth 20 million euros used as direct support for the state budget, including for covering expenses, overcoming crises, etc.   

The prime minister referred to the plans on the consolidation of Moldova’s energy sector and reiterated the need to connect Moldova to EU’s mechanisms of purchasing natural gas, which would allow a better management of the energy crisis. Also, Natalia Gavrilita touched upon the cabinet’s projects on the development of the renewable energy sector; the legal framework was adjusted and friendly premises were created for investments in the sector in this respect.  

„While in October 2022, Moldova was 100 per cent dependent on the deliveries of gas from Russia, presently, this indicator decreased considerably. We managed to create sufficient stocks, in order to supply the needed volume of natural gas for this winter. For medium term, we are set to finish the project on energy interconnection with Romania and increase the production of renewable energy from 3 to 30 per cent.’’ the PM said.    

Also, the prime minister reiterated the need to strengthen the Moldovan-Polish commercial and investment relations. Gavrilita emphasized the re-launch of the negotiations on investments in the agriculture sector, modernization of the transport sector and digitalization of public services.    

For his part, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Radosław Fogiel, congratulated the government members for the getting by Moldova of the status of country candidate for accession to the European Union. He reiterated that Poland would fully support Moldova’s European agenda.    

„We had a quite productive visit to Moldova and we set more cooperation fields. We will also continue to back you country in overcoming the energy crisis, inflation – phenomena present in Poland too,’’ the head of the European Union Affairs Committee noted. ‘’We understand well the situation in which Moldova finds itself and the response of the international community must be assistance and solidarity. You should know that Poland will continue to be Moldova’s advocate in the European Union till the end of your European integration,’’ Kacper Płażyński added.       

The sides reviewed aspects as to ensuring the regional security, including on the platform of EU’s Hub for internal security and borders management.   

Photo: Government







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