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New executive director of Moldova's State Administration of Roads introduced to staff

17:05 | 03.02.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 3 February /MOLDPRES/ - The acting director general of the State Administration of Roads, Sergiu Bejan, today introduced the enterprise’s new executive director, Nicolae Mindra, to the staff.     

Sergiu Bejan appreciated the professional qualities and the experience of the new executive director. At the same time, he stressed the importance of an operational structure of executive leadership, which is to help strengthen ASD’s capacities and fulfill the strategic goals in the road infrastructure branch.   

For his part, Nicolai Mindra said that he was set to ensure the development of an efficient management at the institution and to pay increased attention to the digitalization of the processes, in order to successfully carry out projects in the field.  

The new ASD executive director graduated from the Urbanism and Architecture Faculty of the Moldovan Technical University (UTM), the specialty of Railways, Roads and Bridges. During ten years, he worked as expert in civil engineering, chief consultant at the department of roads’ development of the Transport and Roads’ Infrastructure Ministry, project manager and specialist in procurements in Washington, USA, as well as in his capacity of head of the Engineering Management Service of the state enterprise, State Administration of Roads.    

Photo: ASD



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