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New breeding farm registered in Comrat city of Moldova

16:44 | 14.03.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 14 March /MOLDPRES/ - The farm for breeding Assaf sheep from Comrat, Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauz-Yeri, has received the status of breeding farm. This occurred, after the commission for certification of animal husbandry farms of the breeding category on 13 March paid a visit to the enterprise, in order to consider the indexes which characterize the race qualities and the productivity of the animals, the production economic activity, the level of the selection and amelioration work.       

The state secretary at the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA), Iurie Scripnic, in charge of the animal husbandry sector, attended the works of the certification commission. The official said that the enhancement of animals’ genetic value was essential for getting a higher productive performance.    

The Assaf race has its origin in Israel and is appreciated all over the world for the high productivity of milk and meat. Presently, 11 animal husbandry farms of the breeding category are recorded in Moldova. This category gives the animal husbandry farm a higher status against the one of production farms and the certificate on the breeding farm category allows the commercialization of animals, with increased subsidies provided from the National Fund for Development of Agriculture and Rural Environment.       

Photo: MAIA



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