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Moldovan president meets U.S. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

14:01 | 15.03.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, March 15. /MOLDPRES/- President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu had a meeting today with Dereck J. Hogan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and former US Ambassador to our country. The topics of the discussion concerned the bilateral strategic dialogue between Moldova and the USA as well as the political and security situation in the country and the region, the presidential press service has reported.

Maia Sandu reiterated the importance of the U.S. Department of the Treasury's action to sanction nine individuals and 12 entities associated with grand corruption and Kremlin influence in our domestic affairs. In this context, the head of state emphasized that we want even closer cooperation in terms of judicial assistance in criminal matters, including in the process of recovering public money stolen from the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Maia Sandu appreciated the contribution of the American government to the development of friendly and cooperative relations and thanked the former ambassador for the important support provided by the US in political, economic and anti-corruption reforms, the deepening of European integration, as well as for the considerable financial aid to overcome the current crises.

Photo: Presidency




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