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Opposition boycotting parliament session

13:32 | 17.03.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, March 17. /MOLDPRES/- The Communists and Socialists Bloc faction announced today that it is boycotting the parliament plenary sessions, after PAS complied with the recommendations of the Constitutional Court on the phrase "Romanian language".

The announcement was made at the start of the plenary session and was criticized by several PAS MPs.

Speaker Igor Grosu said that the current government will act consistently, regardless of how acidic the comments of some deputies are. "In the maelstrom of these events, we forgot about those who fought in the 80s. Then, with great risks, teachers, writers went bravely against the regime. We will work consistently", Grosu said.

A few minutes after the start of the plenary session, president Maia Sandu came to the Parliament's tribune and gave a speech.


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