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Meeting of Moldovan-American joint committee for economic cooperation held in Chisinau

17:18 | 28.03.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 28 March /MOLDPRES/ - The sixth meeting of the Moldovan-American joint commission for commercial and economic cooperation was held in Chisinau today.   

Moldova’s delegation was led by Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba and the U.S. Delegation – by the deputy United States trade representative, Jayme White.   

The participants in the meeting gave final touches to the priority sectors for the bilateral commercial and economic cooperation and the ways of coordinating the joint actions for the next period. Among them, there are the facilitation of the trade between Moldova and USA, importance of the transparency of the legislation and of the regulatory practices, commitments of continuous recognition of the international standards, as well as the cooperation on the dimension of digitalization, electronic commerce, cyber security and information technologies.   

The officials highlighted the importance of cooperation in strategic sectors, including as regards the mechanism of monitoring and assessing investments projects in fields concerning the state’s security, policies in the labour and social protection sector, observing the copyrights, fighting corruption and ensuring the friendly conditions for the business environment.  

The Moldovan-American joint commission for commercial and economic cooperation is an efficient platform of consolidating the bilateral relations, including through boosting the bilateral trade and improving the investment climate of Moldova.







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