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Center for children and young people launched in Tiraspol, thanks to support of Sweden, Great Britain and UNDP

11:33 | 12.05.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, May 12. /MOLDPRES/- Over 50 children and young people will be able to participate in various educational, sports and leisure activities at the Creativity Center, inaugurated yesterday in Tiraspol. It was established thanks to the support offered by Sweden and Great Britain as part of the “Advanced cross-river capacities for trade” (AdTrade) UNDP project.

The center was opened by Iulia Greciko, an entrepreneur from Tiraspol, with a US€10,000 grant from AdTrade project and her own contribution.

“Thanks to the financial support and business development mentorship I benefited from, I will be able to help single mothers, so they benefit from vocational training, employment opportunities and free educational activities for their children. The centre is unique for our region,” said Iulia Greciko.

Katarina Fried, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova, mentioned at the inauguration ceremony: “We are glad to see how our assistance increases women's participation in the labour market and creates innovative services and products on both banks of the Nistru river, including this centre, which provides cognitive development conditions for children, leisure opportunities, active rest and promotes a healthy lifestyle and social inclusion.”

“We are confident that the centre has great potential and it will improve not only the lives of children, young people and women in difficult situations but also the lives of generations to come. We're glad to support such businesses, which contribute both to creating jobs for vulnerable people and new services needed by the population and help establish an environment of trust and cooperation in the region,” said Steven Mark Fisher, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Republic of Moldova.

Andrea Cuzyova, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. to the Republic of Moldova, mentioned that UNDP is actively promoting the development of social businesses for the benefit of vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on women: “Social enterprises achieve their social mission and social impact through economic activities. It is rewarding to see that the Creativity Center in Tiraspol, as a social enterprise, will deliver many educational and creative activities for children and youth from the region. In addition, new working places will be created for single mothers, youth, people with disabilities and thus create a truly inclusive social environment.”


Photo: UNDP




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